Are you guys a car club?

Absolutely not! We in fact pride ourselves on NOT being wrapped up in the politics and drama of a car club. We are just a group of like-minded car enthusiasts who enjoy showing off our rides. Missoula Cruisers is an open-ended invitation to anybody, with any car regardless of shine, rust, new or old. If you like cars, we would love to see you.

What types of cars do you accept?

Doesn’t matter! If you like it, then come cruise it!

We are not an exclusive group, and we like it that way. We are a collective of car-loving gearheads from all walks of life, and that includes all types of cars too! If you bring it, and you love your set of wheels, we dig it too! We hope to see you on the road!

"Is there a cruise tonight????!"

Ask yourself these questions:

Is it Summer? (or late spring/early fall)

Is it saturday?

Is it 7PM?

If you can answer yes to these questions then YES! Again, we are decentralized group of gear-heads just out here doing what we love. Rain or shine, you can pretty much count on there being SOME collective of cars cruising the strip every Saturday at 7PM. However, in poor weather the turnout is usually pretty low (but some of us are die-hard cruisers so you never know!).

How do I get more involved?

Please feel free to join our Facebook group! Missoula cruisers offers both a public page as well as a private group. Our private group is where our car fanatics cluster together for project advice, pictures, and also have a hand in planning events for the greater cruiser community. We’d love to see you there!

Do you have car shows?

Short answer is no. Our fans like it when the engines are rumbling and the wind is blowing through our hair! However you’ll usually find a collective of cars in between laps hanging out in various parking lots on reserve street on Saturday nights.

Missoula Cruisers does do a few select “planned” events throughout the year. These events are very time consuming and are entirely run by volunteers and donated time/materials. They are complicated to put on and host so we only do a few a year.

HOWEVER, we encourage you or your group to put together your own show and invite us! We always love showing off the rides.

Can I "recruit" the cruisers for my event or car show?

We love hearing about events in the community that need a little more cruise! The easiest (and fastest) way to contact us is through our Facebook page. However, you can also email us at – – if you’d like.

We will post your event, car show, or drive-by on our group and Facebook page so our cruisers know where/when to show up if they can!

I'd like to sponsor the Missoula Cruisers!

First of all, thank you! It’s folks like you that help make our Saturday nights more fun! We are NOT an officially recognized entity or group, and as such, we are NOT able to legally accept financial contributions.

HOWEVER, if you are a business and would like to offer your space for events, or any other product/service that you feel would be helpful to the cruisers during any of our events please reach out to us on Facebook! You can also email us here –

We always make sure to give “props” to those who help us out and will happily feature your company logo on our Facebook page as well as our website as a thank you!

Cruiser Expectations

We wanted to include this so all of us know what we expect of the cruisers at our events and Saturday night cruises.

  • BE RESPECTFUL – we are guests EVERYWHERE we go. It only takes one to ruin it for the crew. Please treat our parking lots, events, and roads with respect!
  • Keep it clean! Shop talk is one thing but remember that many of us bring kids to the cruises and events. Please try and be respectful and mindful of children and parents when hanging out!
  • BE SAFE! – we all want to have fun, both when hanging out and cruising. PLEASE be mindful of the people and vehicles around you at all times. These are fast, powerful machines, and we don’t want anyone to get hurt or have a bad time!
    • THIS INCLUDES BURNOUTS AND OTHER UNSAFE PARKING LOT BEHAVIOR! We love seeing the rides and wrapping up those ponies, but this plays into respect for our spaces. Burnouts damage asphalt and parking lots. They are also EXTREMLEY dangerous when in close proximety to other people and cars. We are guests in the spaces of our kind hosts! Please keep the more “risqué” behavior outside privately owned spaces AND DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK!
    • If you are caught doing burnouts or other reckless, unsafe maneuvers in a parking lot, it is likely that other cruisers will respectfully ask you to leave. We do not want to ruin the fun for everyone!

Have a different question?

Come swing by our Facebook page and drop us a message!